The Creator and the world work at cross purposes. Please understand that the world does not mean the Earth for the Earth naturally follows the Creator's way. What I mean by the world is the human made systems which are overlaid on the Earth and it creatures. The world is created by the thoughts and actions of the dominant life form on the planet, Homo Sapiens. The Creator and the world each have their ways, but the true way to the Spirit's source and home is God's way, the Great Spirit's way. The holy ones know it and live it. The world denies and desecrates it. Jesus believes it and becomes it. Buddha lives it. Malcolm found it and is true to it. Black Elk prays it. Many are the holy ones who make the way their own through faith in the Great Spirit of all life.
The world and God work at cross purposes. God frees us to live while the world would enslave us so that it might become god to us. The world would like to capture and hold our attention. In fact, it strives to enthrall us as we accept its beliefs. The world would make us complacent participants in its domination of all forms of life. The world of domination would like to have complete and absolute control over everything and each of us. Manipulation and control as tools of power over the other are hallmarks of the world's way. Individual life is meaningless and worthless to the world for it feeds on death.
All is not lost, though it seems bleak and full of despair for the interdependent web of life at this moment in the human story. The God of life/love has planted the seed of transformation in each being and illuminates the way. Each of us finds the way. Sooner or later the light dawns within each of us, whether we are willing or unwilling, and we recognize it. Though our lives seem like a moment in the life of the whole creation, we come face to face with the Spirit of life in that awakening.
Perhaps this awakening is influence enough to cause us to look here in the present moment for the presence of the Beloved. Now that we know the truth is so near perhaps we shall set aside weapons and defenses and invite the truth to come in and stay with us as long as it will. Perhaps we understand now that each is precious to the whole and begin to mend what is broken and heal the illness that destroys life. Perhaps we come to know who we are individually and collectively and become the ones for which the Earth longs.
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