I will not lose you.
I will find you and offer myself to you without reservation, Beloved. My life is your creation. Within its span you come to me as lover and as
another. I leave us to you. I leave us to you to transform.
I am human awaking from a violence seeking your mercy for
the community of life. I supported
systems and ideas and ways which harm and enslave humanity and life. I am sorry for what I did in ignorance and
arrogance to others and myself. Forgive
me as I forgive others so I may heal journeying the way of becoming while being
your love in life.
I am not worthy of the love calling us to be and become as
it guides me in the world. God lives in
me. Christ lives in me. Buddha lives in
me. The past lives in me. The present lives in me. The future lives in me. These are the relations. I live in them and they live in me, creation
without end.
I did not lose you. Offering
self to you, Beloved, I found you. Life
is your creation. I come to you as lover and other for you to