Friday, March 25, 2011

February's Poem

Love is sacred
when I am with you.
we burn together
until there is but fine dust
like cedar’s yellow-green pollen
settling on leaves, rocks
and the chairs outside.

Water returns claiming the dust,
forming lives from love’s mud,
dancing and intertwining
knowing just what to do.

Love has its way with us.
We moan and weep from joy and sorrow,
laugh and cry feeling our way
through love’s beauty.

Here we are together
not knowing for how long
making plans, sharing intimacies,
going round and round.

The trees keep watch
flowering and seeding,
rooting and growing
praying love’s prayers.

February 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

January's Poem

Mandala, January 2011

The Unformed Eastern Sanctuary

Beloved, we don’t imagine you or create you.
We realize your presence
and long for senses to know you,
and evolving minds transforming
our relationship with you.

Life’s Southern Community

Friend, we don’t pretend to understand.
Still we trust you to guide us on the way
Every need here fulfilled.
The relations are here.
The dreams are here.
Love is here.

The Western Congregation of Ancestors

We answered to love for who we were
As well as whom we chose to be
It was love who called us into being
from a mystery too deep for words to reach
yet it was a wordless yes began life.

Mystery’s Northern Reach

Return is not the right word
for the burst of clarity
and sudden transformation
evolution with its
awakens in your presence

  waits for us   We know that you have been waiting for us but we had a tough time accepting the longstanding invitation preferrin...