Saturday, December 15, 2012

Loving Measures

In mystery,
Mother Earth nurses us.
We live at creation’s breast.

Crow opens a plastic bag for food inside.
Another glides into the lot searching for more.
They stand together at a roof’s verge
Survey the comings and goings in the street.
A man carries a large cardboard box on a black bicycle.

The crows are joined by another pair.
A fifth perches in a nearby tree.
First one then all take to air.
The cloud fingered sky holds their flight
invisibly swirling around their winged bodies.

The wings, the eyes, the dirt full of life
bodies of water, air and emptiness,
consciousness of holy ones
touching spirits and minds
all measures of a loving mystery.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Coming Into Being

It is not by chance  that we come to be
nor by design
but by love which makes hope possible.
Love pouring itself out in hope
we may awaken
and in awakening know our true nature.

Love, confident in its ability
to transform wreckage into heaven
is the seed’s seed.

We are lovers
fruit of hope
becoming the Beloved’s intended
choosing from among the possibilities
which the universe arrays
to be the light of love.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Naked Myrtles

The wind has died down
rain falls straight to the ground.
It is mid-morning but the night’s lights are still on.
The crepe myrtles stretch naked, sand and tan
wet and content in their perfection.

The gray day burns with life.
All its forms burning in the rain.
And the rain is earth’s burning breath
adding fuel to the fire
feeding the flame.

  waits for us   We know that you have been waiting for us but we had a tough time accepting the longstanding invitation preferrin...